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Leimert center

The idea behind this community center is to flow seamlessly in a community that has faced discrimination and displacement. The space is for people of all ages- to come to enjoy a game of basketball, a safe place for children after school, and a multi-purpose area for community involvement such as book drives, voting booths, and flu shots. This center should enhance the lives of those in the area to come and feel a sense of comradery in a properly maintained space that feels safe. 

leimert center

The idea behind this community center is to flow seamlessly in a community that has faced discrimination and displacement. This center should enhance the lives of those in the area to come and feel a sense of comradery in a properly maintained space that feels safe. 

Site analysis

Initial site diagrams let to three broad discoveries- private vs. public space, crime rates, and spaces dedicated to community involvement. There are far more semi public spaces surrounding the area but also higher crime rates on the busier adjacent streets. Further, the current public spaces are small and underutilized. Leimert Park, Los Angeles was once a vibrant space for creativity and self expression. I used these factors as a starting point for the premise of this project.

Final Drawings

The idea of continuity is carried out formally both externally and internally in the building through the prismatic fold of the outside and the program organization in the inside. Through this architectural move, it provides a feeling of one all encompassing area The interior arrangement of community spaces and avenues for circulation allows for interconnectivity as well. The angles of the building in the front and back allows for visual connections along with the idea of the street extending and slipping under the building All of the circulation allows for the visual connections to occur by also providing a lookout point, either through the outward processional staircase or the internal moments to look across the building 

Site analysis

Initial site diagrams let to three broad discoveries- private vs. public space, crime rates, and spaces dedicated to community involvement. There are far more semi public spaces surrounding the area but also higher crime rates on the busier adjacent streets. Further, the current public spaces are small and underutilized. Leimert Park, Los Angeles was once a vibrant space for creativity and self expression. I used these factors as a starting point for the premise of this project.


The intent with the materials is to provide a seemingly singular look with the exhibition space being completely transparent and welcoming It emphasizes the overarching prism. Moreover. the perforated metal screen system speaks to the idea of visual connections and encompassing the space by opening as a bi-fold system when needed and providing an enticing skin for the outside viewer On top of its performative nature, it also provides a way to mitigate sunlight as it is a south facing wall in the middle of the hot climate of Los Angeles The structure is an exposed glulam timber truss on top of steel truss Joists and concrete columns. It provides a beautifully patterned as well as robust feeling to the overall architecture. 

Leimert center

The idea behind this community center is to flow seamlessly in a community that has faced discrimination and displacement. The space is for people of all ages- to come to enjoy a game of basketball, a safe place for children after school, and a multi-purpose area for community involvement such as book drives, voting booths, and flu shots. This center should enhance the lives of those in the area to come and feel a sense of comradery in a properly maintained space that feels safe. 

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