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The idea behind this project provides a set of rules that can change based on context, external factors, and program. The rules follow an x,y, z-axis that essentially allow the individual to give up the current function in order to receive another. The x-axis frames slide to reveal balconies, the y-axis frames slide to reveal stairs, and the z-axis frames slide to provide sunlight or excavations. Each component of the building is meticulously curated to follow this logic including the materials, windows, and furniture. The open floor plan consisting of sliding panels allows individuals to be pushed out of their comfort zone in order to ask for help, interact, and collaborate with one another.  



The idea behind this project provides a set of rules that can change based on context, external factors, and program. The rules follow an x,y, z-axis that essentially allow the individual to give up the current function in order to receive another

Leimert center

The idea behind this community center is to flow seamlessly in a community that has faced discrimination and displacement. The space is for people of all ages- to come to enjoy a game of basketball, a safe place for children after school, and a multi-purpose area for community involvement such as book drives, voting booths, and flu shots. This center should enhance the lives of those in the area to come and feel a sense of comradery in a properly maintained space that feels safe. 

iterative explorations

This project proposes to challenge and reformulate the tendency of fixtures and equipment with extensive utilities to be located along a vertical spine. The "hearth" and "wet" totem are interconnected to create a parts-to-whole system that detaches and reattaches portions of a complete utility to create new utilities. In each case, one aspect of the system must be given up in order to achieve another aspect.



This project proposes to challenge and reformulate the tendency of fixtures and equipment with extensive utilities to be located along a vertical spine. The "hearth" and "wet" totem are interconnected to create a parts-to-whole system that detaches and reattaches portions of a complete utility to create new utilities. In each case, one aspect of the system must be given up in order to achieve another aspect.

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